Broken Wings                            

I know this will not remain forever 我深知並非恆常

However it's beautiful 如斯動人

Your eyes, hands and your warm smile 你的雙眼掌心和笑靨

They're my treasure 是我的至寶

It's hard to forget 令人難以忘懷

I wish there was a solution 願有萬全之法

Don't spend your time in confusion 不叫光陰流逝於紛擾雜杳

I'll turn back now and spread 我回首展開

My broken wings still strong enough to cross the ocean with 折損的翅膀 仍然可以漂洋過海

My broken wings how far should I go drifting in the wind 折損的翅膀 仍然可以隨風漂泊

Higher and higher in the light 在陽光中飛的更高

My broken wings still strong enough to cross the ocean with 折損的翅膀 仍然可以漂洋過海

My broken wings how far should I go drifting in the wind 折損的翅膀 仍然可以隨風漂泊

Across the sky, just keep on flying 隨風遨翔 飄泊穹蒼

計測のできない痛みと計測のできない時間の流れが 我已無法估計痛楚與時間的流逝

すべてを埋めてしまおうとしても 即使一切都掩埋

それでも私には感じられる 我仍然可以感覺的到

空から落ちてくるのは雨ではなくて 從天空落下的並不是淚

Did I ever chain you down to my heart 我是否將你鎖在心中深處

'Cause I was afraid of you? 是否害怕著你?

No, I couldn't hold any longer 不,我已經無法堅持了

Love is not a toy 愛情並不是玩具

Let go of me now 讓我離去吧

The time we spent is perpetual 我們在一起的時間是永恆的

Our future is not real 我們面對的未來並非真實

So I 'll leap into the air 我將飛上天際

My broken wings still strong enough to cross the ocean with 折損的翅膀 仍然可以漂洋過海

My broken wings how far should I go drifting in the wind 折損的翅膀 仍然可以隨風漂泊

Higher and higher in the light 在陽光中飛的更高

My broken wings still strong enough to cross the ocean with 折損的翅膀 仍然可以漂洋過海

My broken wings how far should I go drifting in the wind 折損的翅膀 仍然可以隨風漂泊

Across the sky, just keep on flying 隨風遨翔 飄泊穹蒼

空から落ちてくるのは あれは雨ではなくて 從天空落下的並不是淚英文原版)中文翻譯)







    創作者 囧喵米雨 的頭像


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